Fan Artwork
LM3 Ghost by nico360

Hey, I’m Andrat! I’m the project owner of Mario Kart 64 HD, a texture pack seeking to accurately recreate the Mario Kart 64 experience in higher resolution.


It was originally inspired from a good friend named Katherinecode. They made a 3D render using the kart trophy from Super Smash Bros. Melee. It made me wonder how it would look to see Mario Kart 64 in HD, using the models the community had made so far. I had no idea how much time it would take to make a good result!


Shoutouts to Nerrel’s Majora’s Mask HD, PokeHeadroom’s Mario 64 texture pack, and Admentus’ Ocarina Of Time pack, for being so faithful to their source material. There’s some super awesome texture packs out there, and I highly encourage you explore and look for some if you wanna see your favorite games in a fresh new light.

Follow their social media to see updates and more!